Archive for February, 2007
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007
dreamt that i walked into my mother’s kitchen, and found a live, tied up duck waiting to be killed for dinner.
i freed him, he had very beautiful black eyes, we became the best of friends. my mother was furious.
Saturday, February 24th, 2007
feels like a school night.
about to be caught red-handed.
sure, i did my homework.
[no, i didn’t]
Friday, February 23rd, 2007
so much fun last night.
so Andy Warhol was born august 6th.
i was born august 6th too.
ain’t that something?
Thursday, February 22nd, 2007
at about 8:30pm i’ll be doing a reading
of Andy’s transcribed taped diary
at sfendoni theater
for the lifo Warhol party
Monday, February 19th, 2007
ah more dreams fun. this time, charlotte gainsbourg was my girlfriend and we were travelling back and forth to paris and new york in a spaceship, trying to find organic vegetables.
here *IS* how it works:
Sunday, February 18th, 2007more dumb dreams have been had, again. so last night anna kokkinou was selling off my Mdvaniis -and mind you, those are some quite expensive bitches- to pay off some debts i think? dammit anna. stress stress stress, i can’t stress it enough, stress stress, even in sleep.
Saturday, February 17th, 2007
dreamt there was an intruder in the apartment, i think female, couldn’t see her, hear her, she was in here though; i was tip toeing from room to room expecting to bump into her and get stabbed, when i saw Peefee lying on the floor butchered to death. picked her up, cried, hid her and continued wandering, holding my breath. i was praying that Souppy had the good sense to get out and hide when i noticed her too, on the floor, dead, in blood. i couldn’t believe that i had lost my girls forever. i decided to kill the motherfucking murderer so i picked up the bild lilli and roamed the place, howling, searching for the demented cunt and kill her with the lilli. then i dunno what, i was taken over by sorrow and i jumped off the balcony. woke up with both monstahs snoring on either side of my head, grabbed them, hugged them and kissed them hard.
Thursday, February 15th, 2007
i poked a thick sanitized needle through my ear lobe. why? cause. TAXI!!!!!
dance your ass off bitches.
Thursday, February 15th, 2007Wednesday, February 14th, 2007
rehearsal was heinous; aneurysms bonanza. sustenance consisted of one can of beans, two jars of pickles, three cans of tuna, a handful of walnuts, watched “3 Women” twice in a row and now i’ll sleep.
83′-97′ – The Downward Spiral
Wednesday, February 14th, 2007人毛ウィッグ
Tuesday, February 13th, 2007
rehearsal these days has been like being bludgeoned in the head.
for the last 2 weeks I watch this Altman film everyday before I leave the house for work.
it’s on right now; Millie is proudly describing to Pinky how to make tuna melts.
Sunday, February 11th, 2007
why didn’t anyone ever tell me that Guy Bourdin is about as magnificent as motherfucking Picasso etc?
must I do all the digging?
fine, I will.
Friday, February 9th, 2007
The Bukkake rules.
1. Do your paperwork before you are brought onto set. HIV test and picture ID.
Call time is 7:00am when we start doing paperwork.
2. After you pop, go to the paperwork manager with proof of pop which will be given to you on the set by the production assistant. Give him your name, he will mark it off on release. You get paid one time. Pop all you want; you get paid once.
3. Please be quiet on the set so we can get though this in a professional manner. Do not shove your fingers in the female actress’s cunt or asshole during the cover photo session. During the segment where the girl is filmed masturbating, please be quiet. Do not talk to the girl, as this hinders filming.
Friday, February 9th, 2007
it’s a miracle. after 6 years of weekly inflicted torture, Giorgiah the cleaning lady has finally been housebroken. someone gets to keep their job after all.
Thursday, February 8th, 2007
after a hellish day of hard work, dinner with my friends at the Therapeftirio.
downed an crazy amount or squid prepared on coal.
we all shared our dreams and goals for the the year to come.
H. said she’d be fixin to make a million euro off a real estate project.
she’s capable.
I said something about re-location.
S. said nothing.
the capers in the salad made everything more exciting.
got screwed by my wigmaker.
i may have to do a quick trip to Sweden as a result of that.
how preposterous of me.
my play opens in 20 days. such sweet anticipation.
Sunday, February 4th, 2007
I know where you live.
not one word.
what do you know about anything?
any time suits me
anytime at all!
rehearsal in 1 hour.