Archive for February, 2008
Thursday, February 28th, 2008
i just heard this:
“..there’s a defense mechanism. it’s called “reaction formation” where basically you hate what you love and you love what you hate.”
and then i read this:
“..when you meet someone and you immediately dislike them, always remember you are seeing a reflection of yourself—there is something you don’t like about yourself that you’re not owning up to. When you see it in someone else, then you don’t like that person, but in reality you are being displeased with yourself.”
fascinating shit, psychology.
norma jean
Thursday, February 28th, 2008Thursday, February 28th, 2008
woke up at 6am after a stressful dream. had cups of coffee in the veranda, smoking until the light came out. i get scared in a vampiric way, of the first light of day. [rhyme] takes a few minutes/an hour to accept it.
must have hair cut, pick up dry cleaning, then go to photoshoot.
Thursday, February 28th, 2008
[clicky kind]
Bai Ling is so sweet, I visit her diary everyday. The way she comments on her life, the way she sees the world, is so genuinely innocent and disarming. Her way of describing the sunlight, the wind blowing, tasting things, her mood swings, her worries and simple joys, is so endearing.
The fact that most Americans don’t understand her genuine sweet and uncensored way and often dismiss her as a slut, bla bla etc, makes me love her even more. [this woman can also really carry a wig on her head, unlike many hydrocephalic cunts on film.]
She was uber splendid in the Hong Kong film Gaau ji.
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008
this Saskatchewan artist re-purposed an abandoned farmhouse into a life-sized dollhouse in the middle of a field. source
OCD mon amour
Sunday, February 24th, 2008Friday, February 22nd, 2008
on a day off, you can see forever.
this has now reached 263 repeats on my itunes since I found it 2 days ago. [ipod plays excluded]
I give you “L’oiseau Et L’enfant” with Marie Myriam from Eurovision 1977.
I would like you to make exaggerated dramatic faces as you lip-sync it.
Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

the plan is:
to sleep as much as possible
pretend that people aren’t odious
eat less
not get into a fight with the film’s hair stylist
remember heath ledger
running errands has seldom been this comforting
Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
Friday, February 15th, 2008
cookies and milk.
in other news, let’s make something very clear;
coral is more orange than salmon which is more pink, acrylics speaking, always.
not going to say, not going to say.
Tuesday, February 12th, 2008
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
what the buttfuck is this lovely song called?
it’s so..
..melancolic parisian euro-pop. and stuff. so Cadinot.
I extracted it from Wanda’s podcast using skillz.
do tell.
Le mystère est résolu ! Grâce au D.Smith de France.
C’est la chanson “Elise” de Pierre Groscolas.
Paroles et Musique: Pierre Groscolas, M.Jourdan 1974
Merci bien!
Souppy is the haha
Thursday, February 7th, 2008that’s what happens to bad little fat girls
who ruin laptops with their big hairy butts.

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008
8:30am alarm
8:45am coffee intake
9:00am shower
9:20am mini italodisco party
9:45am out the door
mission if I wish to accept it:
10:30am rehearsal